Verena Fuchsberger is postdoctoral research fellow at the Center for Human-Computer Interaction (University of Salzburg). She has done master degrees in Educational Sciences and Psychology and recently finished her PhD in HCI. In her research, she focuses on the agency of human and non-human actors in HCI and Interaction Design. In particular, she is interested in the materiality of interactions, which she investigated also in industrial contexts, such as a semi-conductor factory. She co-organized workshops (e.g., at IDC2011 or NordiCHI2012).
Martin Murer is interaction designer and researcher at the Center for Human-Computer Interaction (University of Salzburg), focusing on the intersections between crafting and technology. His research at the intersection of industrial and personal fabrication is concerned with the tangible practices that are relevant in both contexts, as even highly automated manufacturing processes are heavily depending on all sorts of embodied practices, mechanical skills and tacit knowledge. He co-organized workshops, for instance, at TEI (2014, 2015).
Manfred Tscheligi is professor for HCI & Usability at the University of Salzburg. He further is head of the business unit Technology Experience at the Austrian Institute of Technology. He leads a variety of research projects that investigate human-computer interaction in industry, for instance, the Christian-Doppler Laboratory on “Contextual Interfaces”, a seven years industry-research cooperation. He was involved in a range of conference activities (e.g., co-chairing CHI2004 in Vienna, ACE 2007 or AUI 2011 in Salzburg) and co-organized several workshops and SIGs (CHI, Mobile HCI, AUI, CSCW).
Silvia Lindtner is an assistant professor at the University of Michigan in the School of Information. Her research investigates the role digital technologies play in global processes of innovation, work and labor, as sites of expressions of selfhood and collectivity, and in relation to political, social and economic processes of urban redesign. She explores these themes through a contemporary research project; DIY maker and hacker culture, with a particular focus on its intersections with manufacturing and creative industry development in China. She has published in various disciplines such as HCI, CSCW, STS, and China studies, and has organized workshops at Ubicomp and CHI in 2009, 2010 and 2011 as well as international workshops and conferences on making and manufacturing cultures 2011-2014 (see:
Andreas Reiter is an early-stage PhD Student in the Mixed Reality Laboratory of the School of Computer Science and Horizon CDT at the University of Nottingham, UK. His research investigates the social organization of work practice within UK Hacker-/Maker Communities, with the intent of creating design to augment and facilitate Innovation. He is one of the founding members of the OTELO Open Technology Laboratories ( in Vorchdorf (Austria), which aims at enabling citizens with public and free access to rapid prototyping tools in rural Austria. He organized a RCUK Digital Economy Network Maker’s Workshop around MakerFaireUK 2014.
Shaowen Bardzell is an Associate Professor in the School of Informatics and Computing and the Affiliated Faculty of the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University. Bardzell leverages her background in the humanities to study technology in use, with an emphasis on participatory, intimate, and embodied experiences. One thread of her recent work has focused on how making and criticality intersect, especially in the context of national and cultural identity, local material resources, and community activism.
Jeffrey Bardzell is an Associate Professor of HCI/Design at Indiana University. He brings a humanist perspective to HCI and is best known for bringing critical perspectives into HCI, e.g., in his research on interaction criticism, aesthetics, and critical design. His interest in maker culture extends his prior research on the co-emergence of tools, communities of practice, and aesthetic vocabularies in amateur creative communities, ranging from traditional craft communities to online multimedia authoring communities.
Pernille Bjørn is Professor in CSCW at the Computer Science Department at University of Copenhagen, Denmark. She specializes in conceptualizing collaborative work arrangements and is mostly known for her CSCW work in healthcare and global software development. Currently, she is interested in unpacking the ways in which Makers engage and collaborate – shared knowledge and ideas – as prominent aspects of their work. In particular she is interested in exploring the opportunities for new born global companies arising out of the Maker communities, and how best practices for distributed work practices can be created based upon previous research on global software development, however particular adjusted to fit nature of the Maker communities.