
Time Activity
09:00 – 09:30 Welcome & introduction of participants and objects
09:30 – 10:30 Participants’ statements (5 min each + 5 min Q&A)

–        Tek-Jin Nam and Daniel Saakes
An Industrial Designer’s Perspective on Future Makers

–        Nicolai Brodersen Hansen
Motivating digital fabrication processes – learning from the demoscene

–        Austin Henderson and Jared Harris
Evolutionary Development

–        Holly Robbins, Elvin Karana, and Elisa Giaccardi
De-commodifying the Device: A Materialist Design Approach for Communication With and Through Connected Objects

–        Sophie Landwehr Sydow and Martin Jonsson
The organization of personal fabrication – Hackathons and makerspaces as semi-professional places for creative making

–        Luke Stark
Fabricating Values that Matter

10:30 – 11:00 Break
11:00 – 12:30 Break-out session (facilitated by the objects the participants brought along):

–        What facet of fabrication is your work addressing? What is it not addressing?

–        What questions do you want to solve with your research on fabrication?

–        What questions do arise through your research?

–        What does the object reveal about its fabrication practices, environments, cultures? How do the related fabrication means and possibilities differ between cultures and how did they develop?

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 15:00 Plenum session

Presentations of break-out sessions outcome and discussion

15:00 – 15:30 Break
15:30 – 16:30 Development of an (critical) agenda concerning the potential future interplay of personal and industrial fabrication

–        What is fabrication?

–        How does personal fabrication increase democratization of technology? How does industrial fabrication change through increased automation and the production of individualized goods? Are these (euphoric) visions of how fabrication changes desirable? If yes, how can they become reality?

–        Where do personal and industrial fabrication meet, if at all? How can we cross the boundaries in order to facilitate collaboration and knowledge exchange?

–        How can we, as a research community, help to achieve and sustain the potentials while being critical about undesirable consequences?

16:30 – 17:00 Wrap-up, next steps and closing